Frequently Asked Question

Can the application be installed without Quicktime?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Applies to: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Security vulnerabilities were found in the Windows QuickTime Player. eMedia Music applications does not require the QuickTime Player. It only requires the “Essential” component of QuickTime.

To avoid these security vulnerabilities, you can remove the QuickTime Player component from your installation by reinstalling QuickTime with a custom configuration as follows:

1. Close all open programs.
2. Open the Windows Control Panel.
3. Under “Programs” select “Uninstall a Program”
4. Select QuickTime from the list of programs.
5. Right-click on it, select "Uninstall" and complete the uninstall procedure.
6. Download the latest version of QuickTime from the following link:

7. Run the downloaded installation file.
8. Select “Custom Installation”
9. Select “QuickTime Player” > “Entire feature will be unavailable.” (This will place a red X next to the QuickTime Player indicating that it will not be installed.)
10. Click Next to continue installing only the QuickTime Essentials.
11. Once the installation is complete, restart your computer.
12. Run your eMedia Music application.

This enables you to run eMedia Music application without any exposure to QuickTime Player security vulnerabilities. Our development team is working on new versions of which will eliminate any QuickTime dependencies in our application but it will take some time before these are complete.

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