Frequently Asked Question

“Print” Command doesn’t print out on the printer. (Windows)
Last Updated 7 years ago

Applies to Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

Occasionally, certain printers/printer drivers seem to have trouble printing from eMedia titles. There is a workaround in which the screens are not printed directly from our products, instead they are copied/pasted into a word processor and printed from there. The steps are as follows:

  1. Load up the eMedia application and go to the screen you want to print out.
  2. Hit the “Alt” + “Print Screen” key combination (in other words, hold down the “Alt” key and then press the “Print Screen” key.)
  3. Load up a word processor such as WordPad (which comes with Windows and is available from the “Start” button under Programs -> Accessories.)
  4. In WordPad, go to the “Edit” menu item and select “Paste”. The screen you want to print from the eMedia title will now appear in WordPad.
  5. In WordPad, go to the “File” menu, select “Print...” and click “OK.” The eMedia product screen will be printed.

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